Psychology Board of Australia - Supervisor training
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Supervisor training

Board-approved supervisor training

Psychologists wanting to become a Board-approved supervisor need to complete Board-approved competency-based supervisor training (full training), consisting of three components that need to be completed in sequence:

  • Part 1 – Knowledge assessment. This part requires at least seven hours of self-directed preparatory work relating to knowledge of best-practice supervision and knowledge of relevant Board codes, guidelines and policies. Completion of this part requires passing an online assessment.
  • Part 2 – Skills training workshop. This two-day workshop focuses on integrating knowledge and practical skills. It requires direct/live training to develop practical supervision skills that are relevant to all supervisee training pathways and to reflective supervision practice.
  • Part 3 – Competency-based assessment and evaluation. This part requires you to submit an electronic recording of a supervision session and a written reflection of the session. The training provider will systematically assess your demonstration of supervisor competencies and provide a pass or fail grade and feedback.

Psychologists wishing to maintain their supervisor approval are required to refresh their training every five years by completing at least one Board-approved master class. A master class is a competency-based training workshop requiring at least six hours of direct/live training.

Psychologists who have had a break from supervision or from practice more generally, or feel they need to refresh their knowledge and skills across the supervisor competencies, are encouraged to complete full training (at least Part 2) instead of a master class.

For more information on these requirements, please review:

Board-approved supervisor training providers

There are 25 training providers approved to deliver supervisor training until 31 December 2028.

Please contact providers directly for further information about their training offerings.


Name of provider (and link to website) 

Approved to deliver:

Contact details

Full training:

Part 1

Full training:

Part 2

Full training:

Part 3

Master classes 

ACT Supervision        X [email protected]
Amber Louise Howard  X  X  X

[email protected]
0404 345 314

Annaleise Robertson Psychology        X [email protected]

Australian College of Applied Psychology (ACAP)





[email protected]

Australian Psychological Society (APS)





[email protected]
(03) 8662 3300

Benchmark Psychology, Supervisor Training and Approval Program (STAP)  X   X  X [email protected]
(07) 3493 6600

Cairnmillar Institute





[email protected]
(03) 9813 3400

Clinical Supervision Services (CSS)




[email protected] 
0479 148 929 (Mon,Tues)

0432 051 355 (Wed, Thurs, Fri)

C-BEST (Competency-Based Excellence in Supervisor Training)




[email protected]
0425 710 045

Deakin University





[email protected]
(03) 9244 6844

La Trobe University  X  X  X  X [email protected]
1300 135 045
Monash Health  X  X  X [email protected]

Monash University




[email protected]
(03) 9905 4359

Murtupuni Centre for Rural & Remote Health & College of Healthcare Sciences, James Cook University (MCRRH-JCU)
 X  X  X  X [email protected]
0428 684 655 (Wed,Thur,Fri)
Okey Dokey Supervisor Training  X  X  X   [email protected]
(03) 7034 4128
ORS Group        X [email protected]
1800 000 677
Psychology and Play Therapy Australia        X [email protected]
(03) 6169 3104
Psychology Supervisor Hub        X [email protected]
1300 604 685
Reflective Supervision Team





[email protected]

Spencer Health       [email protected]
(02) 9960 1222

Stream Psychology




[email protected]
(08) 9335 8777

Swinburne University of Technology        X [email protected]
(03) 9214 8653 
The Talbot Centre  X  X  X [email protected]
(02) 8814 5703

University of Melbourne





[email protected] 
(03) 8344 6377

UNSW Forensic Psychology Clinic




[email protected]
M: 0478 199 084

The following providers have been approved to deliver training until 31 December 2023. Any training completed after this date will not count towards Board Approved Supervisor status.

Name of provider (and link to website) 

Approved to deliver:

Contact details

Full training

Full training workshops online

Master classes

Master classes online

Communicare Training Institute




 X [email protected]
(08) 8251 5777 
University of Canberra & Australian National University 




  [email protected]
(02) 6206 8576 

Interested in becoming a Board-approved training provider?

Every five years the Board invites applications from suitably qualified and experienced organisations, groups and individuals to deliver Board-approved supervisor training programs across Australia. 

The current approval cycle is from 1 January 2024 to 31 December 2028. We will not be accepting applications from new providers until 2028.

Please contact us at [email protected] if you have any questions about the supervisor training provider program.

Page reviewed 17/06/2024