Psychology Board of Australia - Consultation paper released
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Consultation paper released

05 Mar 2018

The Psychology Board of Australia (the Board) has published Consultation Paper 29: Revised guidelines for supervisors and supervisor training providers.

The current supervisor guidelines were introduced in 2013 and the Board committed to review them every three to five years. The aim of this review is to streamline the documents, ensure continued relevance of the requirements for supervisors and for supervisor training providers, and identify opportunities for improvement.

The Board is seeking feedback from all stakeholders on the revised Guidelines for supervisors and the separate Guidelines for supervisor training providers, which are proposed to supersede the current guidelines and two (supervisor and training provider) revocation polices.

The consultation paper and two draft guidelines are available under Current consultations and the Board is accepting submissions until close of business (AEST) Friday 27 April 2018.

Please provide written submissions in Word format by email, marked 'Consultation – supervisor guidelines' to


Page reviewed 5/03/2018