Psychology Board of Australia - New online supervisor services
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New online supervisor services

22 Jan 2016

A new supervisor services portal is now available for current Board-approved supervisors.

You can now check and update the following supervisor information online:

  • check the supervisor types you are currently approved to provide
  • check when your current approval is valid until; this can help with planning when to undertake your next supervisor training program or master class
  • change whether you are available or not available to be contacted about supervision, i.e. whether potential supervisees can send you a message via the online search for a supervisor
  • change your nominated supervisor email address for receiving message via the online search for a supervisor.

Supervisor services are available via the online practitioner login which can be accessed by clicking the login button at the top of all pages on the AHPRA and Psychology Board of Australia websites. You will need your ten digit ID number (this is different to your registration number) and password. If you don’t know your ID number please contact AHPRA.

Once logged in, psychologists who hold general registration and current approval for at least one type of supervision will see the new option Supervisor services in the menu on the left; under that is Supervisor information where psychology supervisors can access and update their supervisor information.

Page reviewed 22/01/2016