Psychology Board of Australia - Media release
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Media release

23 May 2013

The Board has released an application pack for individuals and businesses interested in becoming Board-approved providers of supervisor training.

Supervisor training providers invited to apply for Board approval

Psychology Board - Media release - 23 May 2013 (106 KB,PDF)

The Psychology Board of Australia (the Board) has released an application pack for individuals and businesses interested in becoming Board-approved providers of supervisor training.

The Board is introducing a training framework for supervisors that is based on competencies to ensure provisional psychologists and psychologists receive quality supervision that is consistent with the Board’s standards. This framework, and its requirements, is explained in the Guideline for supervisors and supervisor training providers.

The guideline takes effect from 1 July this year and requires psychologists to have undergone a Board-approved supervisor training program before they can become Board-approved supervisors (from 1 July, only Board-approved supervisors are able to provide supervision). The guideline also requires Board-approved supervisors to undertake a ‘master class’ every five years, to keep their supervision skills up to date and remain Board approved.

Supervision training providers will therefore need to become Board approved for that training to meet the Board’s new guidelines.

The Board is now inviting applications from suitably qualified and experienced individuals and organisations to deliver supervisor training program across Australia.

The Board will assess and approve applicants based on their:

  • ability to meet Board standards and requirements of the guideline, and
  • the selection criteria in the application pack.

Multiple training providers may be selected to facilitate delivery of supervisor training nationally (in both urban and regional areas) and ensure a complete range of training components.

Applications close on 16 August 2013.

For more information 

Page reviewed 23/05/2013